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About Us

Welcome to 10x Limited, the innovative tech company behind Cleaner 10x, the ultimate solution to your iPhone storage managements.

Our Mission #

At 10x Limited, our mission is to empower iPhone users worldwide by providing cutting-edge technology to help them manage their digital memories efficiently and securely. We understand how important your photos and videos are, and we strive to ensure that every iPhone user can capture and cherish their memories without worrying about storage limitations.

Our Expertise #

Our team is composed of industry veterans and leading experts in cloud storage, artificial intelligence, and mobile app development. Our collective experience and passion for technology drive us to create groundbreaking solutions that cater to the evolving needs of iPhone users.

Cleaner 10x: Your Storage Solution #

Cleaner 10x is our flagship iOS app that combines the power of our AI-powered video compression algorithm with our state-of-the-art cloud storage service. This innovative solution compresses your videos and photos up to 10 times, ensuring your iPhone always has enough storage for your precious memories.

High Availability Cloud Storage #

Our cloud storage service is built on a high availability, geo-distributed infrastructure that ensures your data is always accessible, no matter where you are. With military-grade security measures, end-to-end encryption, and a commitment to privacy, you can trust us with your most valuable digital assets.

Our Commitment to E-A-T and YMYL #

We understand the importance of expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness (E-A-T) when it comes to providing a cloud storage and video compression service. Our team of experts is dedicated to staying up-to-date with the latest industry developments and implementing best practices to ensure the highest quality service for our users.

We take our responsibility to provide accurate information and secure solutions seriously. We are committed to transparency, user data privacy, and maintaining compliance with all relevant laws and regulations.

Join Our Community #

We invite you to become a part of our growing community of satisfied iPhone users who trust Cleaner 10x to keep their memories safe and their devices free of storage limitations. Download Cleaner 10x today and experience the difference for yourself.

download on the appstore